And this made me absolutely sick not just for myself, but even more for the image and reputation of christianity. Judgement day awaits us allhow about we let God do his job and continue to honor Jesus and the sacrifice he made. Vote these evil - dooers out with your feet and head over to another church. good leadership at ccv would have succesfully resolved this fraud in a fair and decisive manner, erring on the side of the victim not the victimizer, if anything was uncertain, the moment it was brought to their attention. Tell a friend that as much as you like ccv's fancy kitchen and gourmet food, expensive flagstone patios and fountains and firelacces, great kids programs, unique hilltop cross, and luxurious setting - your soul is far more important than being seen inside some pretty yet morally bankrupt campus. Yes, they all spring from the 16th century and beyond. Instead, if you had read the post, he tried in vain by email and process server and church complaint, everything legal, for over a year and a half. Before Thomas Edison, there was no such thing as a light bulb, and just as before the 2nd and 3rd generational reformers in the 16th and 17th centuries, Don Wilson's theology was *non-existent* as well. HERE ARE THREE EXAMPLES AMONG MANY, OF YOUR MISREPRESENTATIONS OF CATHOLIC THEOLOGY: The authorities that exist have been established by God." (Romans 13:1, New International Version) 3 According to Dave Hodges of The Common Sense Show, "an estimated 28,000 pastors were recruited by FEMA/DHS, as part of the Clergy Response Team, and . That little sign means nothing. Yet what I take more exception to, is CCV's staff's total apathy and unwillingness to back up its allegations when asked to do so, especially when CCV is commanded thus by the words of Holy Writ: Read any encyclopedia or any history book for yourself. Only you know the answer to why you teach what you know is impossible for the Apostles to have taught. AKA "immodest" AKA "Brenda", AZ lawyer Edward Maldonado is clearly a felon bad-check writer but hes also a convicted felon murderer for a 1991 drive-by gang shooting he particiapted in with several other gangster friends in La Habra, CA when he was a minor. I am simply telling you what you already know, but might not want to acknowledge. So for all you till deeply in denial, KOOLADE DRINKING CCV-robot nutjobs, YOUR LEADERSHIP HAS FALLEN. Weekend church attendance was 32,000. cookies to gather anonymous site visitation data and marketing cookies to help us understand which We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. What you teach 8000 is not Christ's Gospel, but your personal Gospel as you gleam it from the Bible 2000 years and 3 languages removed. All of these ideas find their origin in the last few hundred years. For Scripture says: "Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?" I know you see the logic here, and that is the reason for your silence. Sermon preparation and delivery is time-consuming, demanding work, even in settings where the church has one primary sermon each week. Mark joined the staff at Christ's Church of the Valley (CCV) in Peoria, Arizona in July 2012 as a teaching pastor. The teaching pastors mark and Ashley are not only funny and entertaining but their messages each week are inspiring. The answer: No, you can't find a single person who held to any of these including the first. for users like yourself. You want to know the Bible better because you know the Bible will make you better. Kenya Medical (July) #834200. Two weeks later the check arrived and was bad - nsf on three separate attempts at his bank - b of a. "CCV has drifted" you ask? Ricky Wright. And I must spread this information to your staff and to your parishioners because it is the truth. Every man is presummed 'innocent' until proven 'guilty'or so we have been told our entire lives! Individual support will be tracked internally to determine the effectiveness of the individual's ability to raise support. Like the false prophets of Jeremiah's day, he and the thousands like him say, "'Peace, peace,' when there is no peace" (Jeremiah 6:14). I do not see them worthy of hateful speech. Yet Christian precedence counts for little at CCV and only the personal revelations of Don Wilson are true. You know this. HUmmm, check out this link: By my calculation God has grown this Church exponentially. CRASHED. One terrible rumor and your screwed by the ol'mighty church members who are sinner's and liar's like anyone else.. guilty until proven innocent, just'sayin. vanderbilt medical center parking map 01767 304157; largest companies in orange county by revenue Pastors Caden and Hope Metcalf are passionate about seeing God's love transform the lives of people through the ministries of Radiant Church. We believe in the power of prayer and the immediate impact it has as we face life's challenges. Compassion Director. You can set your browser to block or alert you about these cookies, Dave Stone, senior pastor of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky and his younger successor Kyle Idleman (Inset). for users like yourself. Loved it, helped with Childrens (well run) ministries and when in Colorado attend frequently. The 17th century Anabaptist idea of ONLY Baptism by immersion and ONLY as an adult. . Join us online during the service times listed below. And this is the first time your faith has been challenged in this manner. We recognize that many have . The teaching pastor's job is usually, as the name suggests, centered on the teaching ministry of the church. Larrie and Sheila Fraley - - CCV Lead Missions Pastor 4. 210, Associate Youth Pastoroliviac@ccvlive.com610.792.0777 ext. our systems. Dear Don Wilson; Hold on to the good. He took cash from his victim days later in April 2009 WHEN HE WAS STILL BROKE AND IN DEFAULT, and wrote his bad-NSF check to that same client in early May 2009 and this is proven by sworn, witnesssed, notarized affidavit from his bank, Bank of America. slim jim flavors ranked I thought that if this, ccv, one of the largest christian churchs in the nation, which claims that it is on the cutting - edge of christian leadership in the church today, we are in deep do0 - doo. Wooldridge - CCV Sr. Pastor 2. . He and his wife, Cindy, have four adult children who were raised at CCV over the past 26 years. I ask you Don. I know you have visited the following site and read for yourself how the students of the Apostles taught Christ's early Church the very doctrines you tell your parishioners are apostate or UNBiblical. After numerous inquiries, and in accordance with Matt 18:15, which commands me to first speak to you and your staff privately (which I tried to no avail), I am going to post this letter on the new CCV website, because I feel it important enough for your parishioners to read. Further, once CCV AND ITS LEADERS WERE NOTIFIED THAT ITS WEBSITE WAS BEING USED AS A PLATFORM, TOOL OR VEHICLE FOR A FELONY CRIME ON A MEMBER, IT/THEY HAD A LEGAL OBLIGATION TO IMMEDIATELY ELIMINATE THAT SITUATION AND RELATIONSHIP. Christ's Church of the Valley must have full control of the donated funds and discretion as to their use in order for your donation to be tax deductible. Go tell them. I ask these questions rhetorically though, because we both know the reason for your silence. Bus Leaders King David is a model of how to make that happen. This would unfortunately strand you in Stage 6, of the "7 stages of Christian Spiritual Development." OR,,,perhaps a third option, and I pray it's not this one. So if you're still on your DELUSIONAL Christian-CCV high-horse, STILL blindly defending CCV, still eagerly and ignorantly cheering on CCV even after their absolutely horriffic, unloving and un-CHRISTIAN FAILURE to do anything here, perhaps thinking it was an oversight or a mistake or something else to tell yourself so you wouldnt have to think or believe or face the sad truth about CCV's failed leadership, your bubble has now been popped, forever. . An article about it just ran days ago in the Whitier Daily News because one of the perps finally was convicted after many years of mistrials, check out the story link here: They would likely never set foot in a church again. Where did your doctrines come from? I take exception to you targeting those ignorant of their faith, and drawing them into your church with false information. He did a real bad job. Avoid every kind of evil." I was out of town in Farmington New Mexico and attended a local church there sporting my very new CCV shirt when the pastor there spotted me and my other half and asked about our shirts. "Test everything. What answer will you give your parishioners when they ask these questions? Died: May 27, 1564. But more important - this "Christian" ledership failure permanently diminished and devalued the collective, general reputation of Christianity in America, especially by non-Christians, MANY OF WHOM NOW REGARD EVANGELICAS AS IGNORANT, HYPOCRITICAL EXTREMIST CLOWNS. We look forward to connecting with you. When people were baptized in the Bible, it was always by immersion. Can you find a single Christian soul who believed CCV's distinctive theology before the 16th century? A Fifteen-Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year. 8000 people following the personal interpretations of one man. Tonys focus is on leading CCV campus teams and developing future CCV locations. Bernie Madoff was screwing over his clients and stealing from them for over a defcade before he was finally charged and arrested. It appears that is exactly what this person has done and is trying to do (after waiting like a saint for over 1.5 years to be paid and waiting for Pastor Wilson to step up). Therefore how on earth could have the Apostles taught your modern beliefs to the early Church, if they were invented in the 16-19th centuries and eventually compiled into CCV's theology by you in the 20th century? hetherington and deans funeral home niagara falls. If you want to be sharper in life, you need others around you. Why do you teach this falsehood? Executive Pastorfrank@ccvlive.com610.792.0777 ext. In accordance of tax laws that prohibit donations designated to an individual, funds raised to support individuals for mission trips will go into a pool to support the entire mission trip and its participants. Scripture tells us to: "Test everything. What would you do in my position? Yet neither word is in the Bible. 16:24). That also is patently false. But the check was not there when i drove out that time or the next time. That is not right. Having a teaching team is also practical. Find a group thats right for you. You know that not a single human being believed CCV's theology before the last few hundred years. Brenda - Bilndness of your own sins does not mean you are without sin. You can't find a single person before the Renaissance era who believed or even heard of what you now teach 8000 people as the gospel of Jesus Christ. Haven't you yourself cautioned Christians to be wary if a following is guided more by "the man," than by Christian precepts and historical Christian beliefs? Not one Christian believed my ideas before the 16th century and not even our first reformers embraced these ideas, but believe me anyway because what I say is *Biblical*." After numerous inquiries, and in accordance with Matt 18:15, which commands me to first speak to you and your staff privately (which I tried to no avail), I am going to post this letter on the new CCV website, because I feel it important enough for your parishioners to read. Forgivness will set you free! Hes [], When it feels like the world is against you, and trials and expectations are upon you, will you crumble or will you endure? The non-accountability? That is why I reject new and modern ideas that are impossible for the Apostles and the early Church to have taught. - aaaabsolutely nothing. 204, Childrens Pastormelissaf@ccvlive.com610.792.0777 ext. You have built a huge personal following. French theologian, pastor, and reformer John Calvin was a major figure during the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century. 3K followers 500+ connections. There were police officers guiding traffic to and through the entrance of the church parking lot. A set of perspective and disciplines that unlock a fuller and more purpose-filled life. Christ's Church of the Valley (CCV) is a non-denominational Christian church megachurch located in Metropolitan Phoenix, Arizona. Christ's Church of the Valley must have full control of the donated funds and discretion as to their use in order for your donation to be tax deductible. Zero. Currently, he is an online professor for Ozark . OR,,, do you embrace CCV's theology out of financial necessity. Share your photos and videos with others to prove the truth of your words. You believe God is going to curse you if you do not 'pay' 10% of your income. These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be switched off in Yes, every single Catholic Doctrine can be traced to the teachings of the Apostles and the early Church. Ashley is an empowering leader who provides inspirational teaching and visionary leadership. If Don does not resign then this church has no credibility as a Chrisitian Church and hopefully God will see to it that it is shut down.