The .gov means its official. Though home births have been trending in the US, Holland takes the cake for the highest number of home births in the Western world. This goal is particularly integral in efforts to design better preventive health care strategies for pregnant and postpartum women from multiple cultural and ethnic backgrounds. 2013 Oct;29(10):1173-81. doi: 10.1016/j.midw.2013.06.002. Additionally, food is largely related to religious and cultural beliefs. Essential health services such as monitoring the growth of the baby in utero, giving tetanus injection and the administering of Suphadoxine-pyrimethamine (SP) to help reduce malaria during pregnancy are provided during ANC. Purposive sampling is a non-probabilistic sampling procedure where researchers choose the sample based on who they think are appropriate for the study (Green & Thorogood, Citation2004). We used focus group discussions (FGDs) and in-depth interviews (IDIs) for this study. We use cookies to improve your website experience. Omiyamairis generally take place when boys and girls are 31 and 33 days old, respectively, although some geographic variations exist. Maternal and infant mortality rates are among the lowest in the world, making Japan one of the safest places to have a baby. Nowadays, however, mothers usually choose to stay indoors for just the first month. New Patient Appointment, Appointment Of the 830 daily maternal deaths, 550 occurred in sub-Saharan Africa and 180 in Southern Asia, compared to 5 in developed countries (WHO, Citation2016). Publication Link:! During the elaborate ceremony, the placenta is cleaned, put in a sealed container, wrapped in white cloth and then buried outside of the home. Register to receive personalised research and resources by email. Anytime I get pregnant it does not stay, so I was told it is because when you are pregnant and you go out people will look at you with evil eyes to spoil your pregnancy. Participants in this study were of the view that engaging in sex during pregnancy was essential in ensuring smooth delivery and highly recommended for women. During labour, we also give it the delivery is delaying. The process included reading and rereading of the interviews and focusing on the identification of themes relating to the beliefs and practices relating to intrapartum and postpartum continuum of care at community. Skip to Site Navigation Your Pregnancy Matters, Pediatrics; Fathers arent allowed in the delivery room unless theyve taken a prenatal class with the mom. Authors: Mellissa Withers,Nina Kharazmi (MPH Student), Esther Lim (Clinical Research Coordinator) In SCT, learning is viewed as knowledge acquisition through cognitive processing of information. Parents also dress newborns in red, which is considered good luck and keeps evil spirits away. These codes were turned unto nodes within the software. Despite investments in interventions to reduce maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality, progress has been slow, especially in developing countries. I do not like the family planning method we get from the hospital. The topic of sexuality has become more mainstream, but conversations can become awkward quickly without a culturally competent provider. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies government site. A study in Ghana found that pregnant women were given herbal medicines by traditional birth attendants to induce labour, augment and control bleeding during labour (Otoo et al., Citation2015). Its made with water, sugar, cloves, cinnamon and red food coloring, and is first served to the new mom in the hospital. Whooping cough: New concerns about an old disease, Mental Health; Fourth, the cultural factor?principally the beliefs surrounding conception, miscarriage or delivery and maternal health in connection with the role of the midwife (see Rubel, et. 2022 Nov 3;13:961707. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.961707. Careers. Search Conditions & Treatments The taped interviews were transcribed verbatim into Microsoft word. How much you get per child, per month depends on the income level of the householder. After each interview session, the recording was replayed to participants to listen and to make the necessary additions, subtractions, and clarifications deemed necessary. These maternity vouchers are included as part of a maternity pack expecting mothers will receive from the local city office which also includes the Maternity and Children Health Handbook (, boshi-kenk-tech). In effect, the context in which an individual is, tends to exert some control over the persons behavioural tendencies. Did you know that with a free Taylor & Francis Online account you can gain access to the following benefits? Each group consisted of between 8 and 10 individuals and the participants sat in a horse-shoe fashion with the moderator and rapporteur sitting in the middle. Minato Citys website is also a good source for updated information in English. These checkups are called ninshin-kenk-shindan () in Japanese. You expose the baby to the sun and it will disappear. Socio-cultural beliefs and practices dur .,,,, Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing & Allied Health. These beliefs lead to practices during and along pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum periods. Some of these social practices tend to affect utilisation of some essential maternal and child health practices. Good practices need to be identified and promoted whilst harmful practices must be discouraged (Saaka & Iddrisu, Citation2014). Culture plays a major role in the way a woman perceives and prepares for her birthing experience. Even non-pregnant, we are advised to watch our fish intake because of the high mercury levels found in fish. You are not required to obtain permission to reuse this article in part or whole. However, before writing your first comment, please create a display name The questionnaire is available at immigration. 3. Synthesis of the qualitative literature from low and middle income countries on cultural practices and traditional beliefs influencing the perinatal period. To provide financial support to families, Japan offers maternity vouchers (, ninsanpu-hoken-hiy-hojoken) to expecting mothers. Data collected in local language was first translated into English by two people; the interviewer and another person and the translation were compared for consistency. All FGDs were conducted in the community at an agreed time suitable for the participants. A woman's cultural background can affect her needs and expectations during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as how she and her family raise children. Who needs a sonogram to show whether its a boy or girl? The belief among participants was that female babies were born with sores in their vulva which needed to be treated with warm dressing to help in the healing process. Unfortunately, herbal remedies which are regarded to promote healthy delivery have been found to lead to severe bleeding that can be fatal according to a study in Bangladesh (Choudhury & Ahmed, Citation2011). Sometimes I mash kenkey, sieve it and add lactogen to it (Postnatal woman, FGD). To explore Korean beliefs and attitudes towards pregnancy, birth and postpartum practices: . Epub 2016 May 10. Dallas, TX 75390, 2023 The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Whooping cough: New concerns about an old disease, Why the skin condition hidradenitis suppurativa complicates pregnancy, Alphabet soup! sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal Jamaican women who find themselves pregnant have been known to count on their bible, quite literally actually. So, my baby also started feeling thirsty and will be crying uncontrollably. For . Five women participated in a study of Japanese women's experience of pregnancy and childbirth in the United States. However, there are some things that remain taboo in certain parts of the world. That works only when someone wants to be treated the same way as you.. Maternal and. The primary causes of maternal death are haemorrhage, hypertension, infections, and indirect causes, mostly due to interaction between pre-existing medical conditions and pregnancy. You register your details online and then you have access to a special hotline which jumps you to the front of the queue and is open 24 hours per day. While pregnancy and childbirth is a universal experience, having a baby in another culture can be full of surprises. During bathing of the baby, the head is massaged and molded. 98 Japanese women in England and 88 Japanese women in Japan: South-East Asian: Thai: Kaewsarn (2003a) . In effect, notes taken during the interviews covered; interactions between the interviewer and interviewees, non-verbal communication, environment, and reflections from interview content. These maternity vouchers are essentially discount vouchers which can be used at the hospitals and clinics to reduce the cost of the regular check-ups during pregnancy. Globally, about 830 women die from pregnancy- or childbirth-related complications every day and this is unacceptably high (Alkema et al., Citation2016). This figure further decreased to 776 in 2020. Also take your Maternity and Children Health Handbook because you will given a small certificate which you should cut out and stick in your handbook. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. This is illustrated in the following quote: Some of us live in places where you will have to cross a river before you go the clinic for them to assess you and the baby but because we pregnant women are not supposed to cross the river, we do not go (Elderly woman, IDI). I tried to practice exclusive breastfeeding but at a point in time the weather was too hot and as adult we sweat and feel thirty. The yellow babies is something that happens. their care during pregnancy, labour and birth, and postnatal care. The K-A International Mothers in Japan is an online community for foreign women raising children in this country. Pregnancy care providers see a lot of cultural diversity every day. The study participants indicated they have received education on the need to exclusively breastfeed the baby for 6 months. The major ethnic groups/cultures identified are Akan but minority ethnic groups include Fantis, Ewes, Gas, Moshies, Sissalas, Nzemas, Dagombas and Kussasis and Mamprushies. This practice was believed to contribute to making the head round as illustrated with the quotes: We prepare both hot and cold water for the bathing of the baby and then we use shea butter to massage their whole body and then we use cool water to massage their heads (Elderly woman, FGD). We conducted a literature search of articles: a) focusing on Asia; b) relating to pregnancy, childbirth or postpartum, c) relating to traditional beliefs and/or cultural practices; and 4) published in English in the year 2000 or more recently. As soon as a woman tells an employer she's pregnant, she cannot be fired. Names that are objects (like Apple) or surnames are never allowed, and you must be able to tell the babys gender by his or her first name. 3099067 For many families, the birth of a baby is something that is awaited and celebrated. The following quotes support these views: The husband must have sex with the woman frequently to open up the place so that the woman will have a smooth delivery. We douche the children because when you give birth to baby girl they normally have sores in their private parts (Postnatal woman, FGD). After baby arrives, the new mom traditionally stays at her parents home for at least a month, and rests in bed for 21 days to recuperate and bond with baby, while family members pitch in with chores. Sponsored contents planned and edited by JT Media Enterprise Division. In the pregnancy category, the majority of the studies focused on dietary recommendations and behavioral taboos. Womens maternal health choices during pregnancy and delivery directly influence maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality (Evans, Citation2013). Please add and to your list of allowed sites. Download The Bump App for daily pregnancy and newborn updates with our free app, This Grandpa's Hilarious Babysitting Bloopers Are Going Viral, Kristen Bell Thinks You Should Discuss Taboo Topics With Your Kids, Rihanna Shares Family Portrait and Her Unfiltered Takes on Motherhood, How Celebrity Parents Are Celebrating Valentine's Day, NICU Nurses Capture Babys First Valentines Day, 36 Amazing Push Present Ideas to Make a New Mom Feel Loved, Newborn Rescued From Earthquake Rubble in Syria, The Best Valentines Day Gifts for Moms, Dads and Their Kids, 15 Baby Baptism Gifts That Bring the Blessings, Priyanka Chopra Shows Off Baby Maltis Face for the First Time, Even Marie Kondo Has 'Given Up' Having a Tidy Home With Three Kids, Supermodel Coco Rocha on Life as a Mom and Role Model, Beyonc and Her Daughter Perform Together Live for the First Time, Baby Goes Viral on TikTok as a Candle-Sniffing Connoisseur, How Celebrity Families Are Celebrating the Holidays. Dirty and 40days in the wilderness: Eliciting childbirth and postnatal cultural practices and beliefs in Nepal. Again, 2.9 million neonates die, with three-quarters of these deaths taking place in the first 7 days of life (UNICEF, Citation2012). Reservation enquiries need to be made even in the case where youre going for regular check-ups to the same hospital or clinic where you want to deliver (and thus the doctors and nurses are fully aware of your expected delivery date). This was done to get a better understanding of the socio-cultural beliefs and practices among pregnant women in the community. Traditionally, doctors are scientific and data-driven. Since then I have been giving him water and some mashed kenkey (Postnatal woman, FGD). The acceptance of harmless social practices during labour however, will improve trust and cater for communitys worldview about childbirth and ultimately foster skilled delivery. First, you need to register the birth at your local city office within 14 days and to do this you will need a birth certificate issued by the medical staff at the hospital where your child was born. Babies here receive a bundle of blessings. This practice needs to be given much attention as majority of the practices that predispose babies to severe morbidities and even mortalities are still occurring (Lawn et al., Citation2014). You can now start your regular checkups. However, her baby needed immediate specialized care after birth, and all the pediatricians on staff that night were men. Whereas some indicated that sexual intercourse could begin 40 days after delivery, many of them noted they started having sex 3 months after delivery. On the seventh day for a Yoruba girl and the ninth day for a boy, theyre given water (to have no enemies), palm oil (for a smooth, stress-free life), kola nut (for a long and healthy one) and salt and pepper (to keep things exciting and spicy). The herbs are administered to the woman when they are about 5 months into their pregnancy. Certain medical procedures associated with pregnancy, such ascircumcisionand blood transfusions in emergency situations, are not acceptable by all religions. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Parents buy a full set of new red dishes for a boy or new black dishes for a girl to serve the meal. Check out these fascinating, time-honored traditions from every corner of the globe. As for okro, it will make the baby have diarrhoea (Woman with under- five child, FGD). So we give the woman the herbs to drink to help in the healing of the wound. The growing recognition of the critical importance of providing care to mothers and newborns and the substantial coverage gaps have prompted a paradigm shift in responding to maternal and newborn health issues. However, babies born at such places may miss out on immunisations given immediately after birth like BCG and OPV. It is called jid-teate () in Japanese. Design: In-depth interviews relating to traditional and changed beliefs and practices of pregnancy and childbirth with Thai women in Northern Thailand. So, to respect the patients wishes and properly care for her baby, we partitioned the room with screens the male doctor could be present without invading the patients privacy. This practice which would not be accepted in the healthcare system was thus a barrier to the formal facility delivery unlike home delivery where it is accepted. Once 20 days have passed, mother and baby visit the homes of gift givers, where they receive a handkerchief filled with candy (for a good-natured baby) and an egg (for a healthy one). Cultural competency starts with effective communication, listening, and respect. or Call214-645-8300. In this Hindu country, an important birthing tradition is burying the placenta, which is believed to be alive and almost like a twin sibling of the newborn. Participants mentioned some local herbs that are either ingested or used as enema in preparation towards childbirth. Following that, line-by-line reading of all transcripts within the NVivo 11 software and relevant portions of statements made by respondents coded unto existing and new nodes. In Japan, childbirth is believed to be a natural and beautiful experience that does not end once the baby comes into the world. As a form of treatment for the wounds, herbs extracted from the bark of a tree nu bena was given to the women to enhance healing of the internal wound. Their findings, published in the journal Midwifery, found many Asian women continue to practice a wide range of traditional beliefs and practices during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. Levels and Determinants of Antenatal Breastfeeding Attitudes among Pregnant Women: A Cross-Sectional Study.