Assume youre southeast of Saddle Mountain and northeast of a few of lesser peaks. Your email address will not be published. Most people have never heard of them, but soon enough, youre going to be a master at using them. Take your compass and line up the edges with the north-south gridlines on your map. Put your compass on your map. Place your map in such a way that the terrain features line up with your maps features. Next, without changing the orientation of you map, move your compass so that its edge is touching the point you are plotting to/from and the compass dial reading matches your bearing. If you point your compass towards true north, your compass needle is going to point a little to the east. This visualization has been approved for public release.Storyboard developed from the STP 21-1 Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks Warrior Skills Level 1, September 2017Approved by the Center for Initial Military Training (CIMT) G-3/5/7, Initial Entry Training, Fort Eustis Virginia. Lets say youre planning a short hike from one point to another. Half the activity of their sport is keeping their map oriented so they can navigate faster and with more accuracy. You want to find your position using the technique of partial resection, so you need to know that tower's bearing with a high degree of accuracy. Picture 1: Map Declination. Turn your entire body as a unit until your predetermined azimuth falls under the fixed black index line. Brunton TruArc 8010 Classic Map Luminous Compass Brunton TruArc 8010 Classic Map Luminous Compass Item # WX2- 715075 / Mfg. The two basic techniques for using the lensatic compass . Position the eyepiece at a 45-degree angle to the . In your case, however, your declination is 004 degrees West, meaning you'll have to add 004 degrees before you set your compass. So in this installment, well go over the skills you need to do just that. Orienting the Map with anOrienteering Compass. 4. Step 2: Line up your lensatic compass with the North Star and make sure the index mark is on the star. That would be 130. You can use this feature to set your compass in the dark. Draw a line towards the roadway youre on using the side of your compass. 3. Magnetic north would be slightly to your right, or east, by about 14. Youre on that line, so you know where youre standing. We need to compensate for the compass now that weve placed it on the map so that we can appropriately orient and travel. He has climbed a handful of 6000ers in the Himalayas, 4000ers in the Alps, 14ers in the US, and loves nothing more than a good long-distance wander in the wilderness. One advantage is it's probably more accurate when it comes to "shooting azimuths," meaning the act of determining the specific compass direction to a spot on the earth. You can also plot a known compass bearing on the mapthe reverse process. Lay the compass down on your map. On your map, place your compass. On your map, though, you can see the two spots. Your action from here depends on the value and direction of your declinationeast or west. To determine the direction, or bearing, from one point to another, you need a. compass as well as a map. Turn the compass and the map as a unit until you box the needlei.e., Put Red Fred in the shed. We guide you on how to orientate a map with or without your compass so that you can navigate your way through the backcountry. The how to orient a map using a compass is a skill that can be used in the outdoors. Youll want to turn it until that black arrow outline is lined up with the 4E hash mark. {"@context":"","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"How do you orient and read a map? You notice another mountain peak out in the distance, but you dont know what its called. 1. The mils are in black, and are the outer measurements on the ring. No worries. Look at your map, or use a website to see your local areas declination. They could be your saving grace during a SHTF situation. Line your orienteering compass's base plate up with the map's north-south lines. When we dont have our point position, we have to use less exact forms of orientation based on line or area position to find it: Line Position. . It typically consists of a magnetized needle that is mounted on a pivot and placed inside a circular housing. At this point, your map is almost oriented. The cover is used to protect the compass and alsoincorporates thesighting wirewhich helps you determine direction. Step 3 Use one of two techniques to orientate the map. Basically, the compass needle will point someplace east of true north in locations west of the agonic line, whereas it will point somewhere west of true north in areas east of the agonic line. With your bezel ring set, stand at your starting point and . This is also known as triangulation. Lets say youve hiked the peak of Camels Hump in Vermont. 4. What's that? The term lensatic comes from the fact that there is a lens on the rear side of the compass that aids in the orienteering process. . When you point your compass towards true north, the needle will point a bit to the west. Get your own customized topographical maps, built according to your specifications. Line your orienteering compasss base plate up with the maps north-south lines. Looking at the map is an easy way of finding which direction north or east are relative to your current position. Making sure you don't move to change directions, turn the glass compass housing until the short luminous line is directly lined up with the luminous magnetic arrow. that it is pointing towards the top of the map. When you face true north, magnetic north is going to be left, or west, of you by about 14. The fact that they glow in the dark (especially, if they're the tritium kind which will glow for years without having to be exposed to light) means you can use your compass without a light for night navigation. Once you've got the bearing you can transfer it to the map. A compass is a device used for navigation and orientation. Start with contour features, such as what the ground is doing in front of you and around you, what happens to the terrain in the middle distance and then whats going on in terms of distant mountain peaks, ridges, hills and escarpments. Take a bearing to a visible landmark using your compass. 4. Turn the compass and the map as a unit until the luminous magnetic arrow is directly under the fixed black line. Step One: Take a Compass Bearing on the Ground. Were going to use the back bearing of that to plot a line from Saddle Mountain towards our general direction on the map. USING A COMPASS Magnetic azimuths are determined with the use of magnetic instruments, such as lensatic and M2 compasses. A: To rotate a map in Beat Saber, you can hit the trigger button on your controller. Where can these symbols be found. When we dont know where our point is, we have to rely on less precise kinds of orientation based on line or area position: Position of the line. Required fields are marked *. Find two or three easily identifiable features or landmarks on your map and then try to identify them in the terrain, or vice-versa. You want to know how to use a lensatic compass? Let's say you see a water tower off in the distance. 4. Experience is the best way to learn and wed highly recommend booking a navigation course to really hone your skills. Contours are king. Enroll in my personalized step-by-step video-based online course. Lay your compass on the map and line up its edge with a known landmark. Place the compass on your map with the edge along a north-south grid line. Finally, you can always triple check with human features, such as walls or towns that youd expect to be able to see in the valley. We only recommend products we genuinely like, and purchases made through our links support our mission and the free content we publish here on AoM. Customize the template with smart fillable areas. Articles - Email - Linkedin - Facebook - Instagram. You look out into the distance and you see another mountain peak, but you dont know the name of it. (They are oriented to Grid North, which is not necessarily the same as . Step 2 Lay the map in a horizontal position. Make a mark with your pencil at the notch on the end furthest from the sighting wire. A: In order to orient and read a map, you have to have spatial awareness. We know were somewhere along HW 115 and south of Saddle Mountain. In my online video land-navigation course, I explain in lecture 20, how to orient a map. My 159-page, fully illustrated book is yours for the asking. 5. To use your lensatic compass to find the direction of your intended azimuth (which you probably got from your map, using your protractor): 1. In this situation, you can use your compass to work out which direction magnetic north is and orientate from there. For instance, line up roads, mountains, water towersany terrain features that stand out enough to make orienting the map possible. Thank you for signing up to Advnture. From the compass, to GPS, to now even your mobile devicetheres no shortage of navigational tools. If your local declination is east of the agonic line, youll need to add the declination to your compass bearing; if its west of the agonic line, youll need to remove the declination from your compass bearing. So, if youre at Muir Woods and your compass reads 180 degrees, subtract 14 degrees. Find the magnetic declination on your map. You can, however, see the two points on your map. A: You can use the arrow keys, or you can hold down shift and move in any direction to rotate a map around its axis. 3. You can look through a small window of the top (thats the lens), and navigate smoothly from there. A good temperature of 65F to 78 should keep the humidity down and help preserve the structural integrity of the compass. Regardless, let's break it down into several steps: Open the compass cover at a 90-degree angle and then set the lens bracket at a 30-degree angle. This is commonly known as puttingthe red in the shed. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); What is a Lensatic Compass and How to Use Them? Orienting the Map with aLensatic Compass. 1. A map and compass are useless unless you know how to use them properly. Or maybe using the sun to help put your map somewhat the right way around. Youve got your dependable compass and a map of the region, but youre not sure where you are in respect to the map. Your map is now aligned to magnetic north. To use the terrain to orient a map, you must be familiar with symbols used on the map. 2. Looking at the map is an easy way of finding which direction north or east are relative to your current position. There are two ways of doing this. Youll line up your needle with the tape arrow instead of the arrow on your compass. 2. Sight: Now peek through the rear sight slot, aligning the sighting wire or the front sight to the desired direction or object. Want a free ebook on Land Navigation? This is because technology is fallible, batteries run out, cold kills gadgets and theres always the possibility of dropping a device down a steep slope or into a rushing river. The back bearing is 50. Pull your elbows firmly into your sides; this will place the compass between your chin and your belt. Youll see that it shows two arrows when you turn your headset or controllers around to show the new orientation of a map."}}]}. Turn the compass cover more or less perpendicular to the base. 3. Most lensatic compasses are designed to withstand moisture to a certain extent, but nobody makes them perfect. Hold the compass steady and level, and up to your face. Make sure the direction of travel arrow is pointing to the spot that youre trying to get to. If your map already has a line to show magnetic declination, you can take your compass and line its edges up along this. Well use the rear bearing of it to draw a line on the map from Saddle Mountain to our approximate direction. If you want to learn Land Navigation in detail, either buy a book; or get someone, who has the knowledge and skills, to teach you in person. Take your compass and turn the compass housing (bezel) until the red orientating arrow is in line with the direction of travel arrow. Line it up with that. Keep doing this until you get to where you want to go. Once you reach your landmark, align yourself again to make sure youre on the right path. Module 11 Plotting Position Coordinates exact positioning, used to communicate to others with a You cant see the end point in your terrain, so you cant shoot a bearing on it. That can make a huge difference! Kierans bookClimbing the Wallsan exploration of the mental health benefits of climbing, mountaineering, and the great outdoorsis scheduled for release by Simon & Schuster in April 2021. Using the rotating bezel, turn it until the direction of travel arrow lines up with the north arrow. Check the index line to find out the bearing you just have taken. Close is good enough in horsehoes, but I'm hoping exact is the standard for artillery fire. I guess the military needs the extra accuracy now and then say, for example, to precisely place artillery fire.