You part your lips and feel his tongue slide over yours, and you like this feeling, the feeling of Louis heavy on top of you, the right weight to be comforting yet almost too much, and you smile into the kiss as it deepens. He was estatic, making you happier than ever before. Niall was on the couch, doing something on his IPhone. Harry smirks, "I dare you to kiss Niall." doesn't kiss you a lot in public (not a big fan of PDA), but when he kisses you at home it's intense. "Please come. new layer sonnencreme mineralisch; wann kommen stare zurck 2021; fingerspiel eisbr kindergarten His arms tightened around you, knowing that you were awake and almost gone from his grip. A BABY Y/N! You took a deep breath before the door opened, revealing red eyed Harry. There are times where a guy may give you repeated kisses on your stomach. Niall: You had just arrived home from work. Harry smirks at you." "Oh my god, Its real!". Hes coming home, you whispered to your baby, hand brushing your, only a bit longer, flat belly. Ill be back soon love, you whispered, giving him a light kiss to his pouted lips, just sleep until I get home, and we can pretend I never left., Harry:Coldness next to you woke you up to the early morning. You're sitting in your bed and watching his interview. Simple, "I love you." left your lips when he reached your ankles, kissing the raised ankle bones softly, like he was caressing the moment. Harry kisses your forehead, and falls down on his knees. Only two weeks and Ill be there again, Liam:You smiled, looking at Liam who was unpacking his suitcase slowly. Kitten, what happened, his deep voice was full of worry when he sat up, hands on your belly. Truth or dare." The door squeaked quietly when you tiptoed to the guest room next to you. It was the part no one knew but you. Hi princess, he chuckled, seeing you awake. But for you, it was pure perfection. Lou, hurry home, you laughed, tears on your eyes when you closed the phone, hands on your belly. He turned around, flashing you a gentle smile, what reached all the way to his brown eyes. II just want to come home, he said slowly, voice thick. Throughout the first half hour, he nibbles your ear, and tickles you soft spot, and tugs at your shirt. For a minute all you did was crying. I know the boys would never do this to anyone ever but you guys might have a favourite so i will write for all of them. Imagine what you name your kids. "Hi" he said. Youre perfect, yes you are, Zayn cooed to your belly, smirking when he admired the bump where she rested, Youre gonna be the prettiest girl in the world, baby Malik. Your heart melted when you watched his brown eyes go softer than ever when he talked to the growing baby inside you. "I'm good, and if you dont want me here I can leave." he says with a smirk on his face motioning towards the door. Im sorry I cant get drunk tonight, you smiled, kissing his jaw, making him laugh. Zayn:You woke up, quarter before your alarm clock was due to wake you up. Liam opens the door and they all head inside. "They don't care." Your eyes grow wide, and you turn to face your best friend. Belly Button Kiss. ), One Direction ( apologizes after a fight ), One Direction ( his thoughts during your pregnancy ), One Direction ( you and your kid(s) suprise him when he's on tour ), One Direction ( your child is seriously ill ), One Direction ( you tel him you're pregnant ), One Direction ( He thinks you're lying, but you're not ), 1D ( you name your kid after his mom/dad ), 1D ( he has an accident and you go tot see him to the hospital ), 1D ( he meets your baby for the very first time ), One Direction ( little things you cheer up your sexlife ), A SONG YOU SING TOGETHER (ONE DIRECTION PREFERENCES). Still smiling, you reached your hand to his face. Now say sorry." 1D PREF #123; You overhear him talking bad about you to the boys. We hope you enjoy our blog :) preferences One shots Imagines Niall Fanfiction links credit. Oh my god, he breathed, dimples showing when he let out a happy laugh, making the baby squirm again. Lets not fight again, okay? Zayn seriously, you cant just leave your dishes to the counter! You yelled at frustration, trying to fight back tears what were forming in your eyes. You turn on the PlayStation, he starts looking around your room, and then he finds your guitar.-Hey, babe You play guitar? Im sorry, you whispered, making him chuckle, Me too, yare not borin at all, I just got angryWhy dont you come with me? All his words for you were always gentle and loving, even when you were fighting. This is fuckin incredible! I already know it." When Louis finally reaches down to kiss you lips, Niall looks back at you. Louis looks back at him, "Fine." The other boys claim the couches, and you and Louis take the bed. All with that one man you met years ago. You smiled to your pillow, letting him know that you were awake, when he kissed your thighs, nuzzling his nose to your skin in each kiss. You could feel his hands on your belly while he sat next to it, kissing it once in a while, Yeh? Louis lied under you, eyes still closed, arms wrapped around you, keeping you not falling down off the small bed. You say as you both ran into the tent and sat there in silence until lightening struck. Your hand moved to his curls and you brushed a thumb over his temple. Hi guys welcome to our One Direction Imagine blog. His eyes were fully closed, long eyelashes tangled to each other when they lied on his pale cheeks. "(Y/N), It's you turn. Niall: You are with your best friend Niall at a One Direction sleepover. You knew how he waited to feel the first kick. ''Hi future daddy!'' Zayn frowned, hugging you tightly, when you wiggled off his touch, leaving him to pout his pink, sweet lips, eyes still closed, covering the brown stars you loved. Keeping the eye contact on your face so you wouldn't give up and God knew how much you didn't want to. You ran into his arms as he held you tight. Louis: Lazily opening his eyes on a Sunday morning, Louis sighs gently, so incredibly grateful that he doesn't have to drag himself downtown for work and can just stay in bed with you instead. You loved every tattoo, you loved his jawline what sometimes tensed when he slept, and you loved his stubborn stubble what grew every day, even when he shaved it. Another groan left your mouth when sharp kick landed to your rib, making you rub the spot in the dark room. After placing their orders, Louis and Harry are quick to snag a couple tables for everyone to sit at. Daddy loves you more than anything in the world. he whispers. Nothing important, you smiled, placing your head on his chest, listening how the voice of his heartbeats joined to the rain outside. Fine, he smirked, sitting next to you to the bed, kissing your cheek gently before wrapping his tattooed arms around you, nuzzling his head to your neck. We need to eat. I just dont want to flight to another country and spend days in a small tour bus with four other guys! you screamed, tears in your eyes. "I'm sorry for being a complete ass last night. Not the Liam from One Direction, whose mark sometimes photoshopped off. Imagine how you spend your retirement with him. The bed his mom had made you on the mattress was on the floor. Hi Y/N, Louis said, looking surprised, giving Harry confused eyes, making your heart drop. You take this as a signal. Feel free to ask us anything you want. But you melt into the kiss, your hands grabbing the lapels of his jacket as his other arm drapes from the back of the seat to down around your shoulders. The two of you made your way to your bedroom, careful not to break the kiss. Do you have a hiccups, baby Payne? Liam cooed, stroking the soft skin with his warm hand, making sure to stop in the spots where he knew the babys head or feet were. It was who he was, no anyone around but you, pale, naked and in his eyes imperfect. You could hear his teary chuckle when he thought the good news you had gave him just before he left. What? Louis screamed, making you laugh happily when your son kicked you angrily after his dad scared him. Im teachin him traditional Irish songs, he smirked, making his nose wrinkle. Shes kicking, he smiled, tears dropping freely down his cheeks, I can feel her. You smiled, letting him sat up and plant a kiss to your wide belly. posted by randomgirl3000. He was yours. :) Rated: R. He was fuming. I have to go to work, you whispered, barely even making a sound. Im sorry, he sighed, making you slip a tear before reaching to kiss his warm, sweet lips. His strong, tattooed arms pressed your stomach lightly, afraid that he would lose the grip and let you go. Imagine how he proposes. Even though your mommys belly is blocking our viewI hope you can hear me, Im not very good at speeches, but I just want to tell you that I miss you and love you more than anything. He places his hands on your belly, and strokes it slowly. Your crush on Liam had just completely vanished. Notes: (See the end of the work for notes .) I hope youre gonna have your mommys pretty eyes and her perfect voice, he cooed, hands gliding down to stroke every inch of the swollen skin. Niall starts to give a round of applause. Ant with that he turns and follows the boys onto the plane. You snuggle up to him, so he reaches down and start kissing you softly, he break the kiss and smile for you. Your heart is still broken and you want him back, you know that the only reason you're watching is just in case he would mention you . Yes Zayn, that was your daughter, you smiled, happiness filling you when he leaned to kiss your bump, hands never leaving the spot. Morning, love,you answered, smiling at his cuteness, running your hands through his hair, making him snuggle his head deeper to your neck, leaving few kisses. Niall: He gets food for you whenever you ask. He didnt know about your pregnancy yet, even though it was the reason you were sick. You and the One Direction are in the same Hotel, but in separated rooms. He kissed you back putting his hands on your waist pulling you closer to him deepening the kiss at the same time. Whats wrong boo? Zayns worried voice asked, making you jump in the darkness. Dont worry, this is amazing, he took your head between his hands, looking straight at your eyes happy tears in his eyes and huge smile on his face, A baby., Liam:You smiled, biting your lip while you sat on your couch, waiting your husband to come home from work. You said chucking at Liam who was starring at your belly. Louis adds to his comment, "Yeah! What is the matter with you? His brown eyes were sad when he chewed his lower lip, thinking silently. However, the boys keep annoying you about it. #1: Getting caught in the act (One Direction Preferences) Liam: It had been over 3 months since you've seen your boyfriend Liam so you were extremely excited about seeing him again. he snapped, throwing a t-shirt to the laundry basket, eyeing you annoyed, Its my job and you quite ruin my enthusiasm right now. You rolled your eyes, leaning to the drawer, looking his half packed, half unload suitcase. Filed under one direction one direction imagines one direction preferences one direction preffs 1d 1d imagines 1d preferences 1d preffs zayn malik zayn imagine zayn preference louis tomlinson louis imagine louis preference liam payne liam imagine liam preference harry . Uh uh, he groaned eyes still closed, pressing his lips to your hair, giving you a sloppy kiss to the top of your head. Loosen up a bit." A few minutes later Luke came back, carrying a variety of delivery menus and a warm towel. tattoo ludwigsburg preise; marteria claudia schiffer; acute respiratory clinic grafenwoehr Was that you? Liam whispered to the baby, eyes wide and mouth hanging open when he held his hand on the spot where he felt the hiccup. You got there early so you decided to make yourself look more presentable. "I do." You hadnt actually planned this pregnancy, but it wasnt a bad news. You think? he asked silently, voice cracking before he cleared his throat, breaking the silence. He was a light sleeper but he was hardly ever moving around anymore, because he was afraid hed hurt your baby belly. You tangled your hands to his dirty blond hair when he pressed kisses to your belly, grin on his face. Really? he breathed as silently as you, almost like hed be scared of breaking the silence what was around you. Oh my god, you breathed, smile on your face when you sat still, feeling the little boy moving and kicking inside you. He already loved the baby so much, spending the nights talking to the bump, buying stuffed toys and name books. "Hiiiiiiiiii babeeeee" you said happily, skipping over to him and sitting down. He bits your bottom . I can get you any job you want. You didnt like the fact he smoke, but whenever he was away, you missed the smell of him. It's an African American tale about a guy named Wiley who wants to go to this river to cut bamboo for a hen house His mother told him that this river has a Hairy Man who lives there and took Wiley's father and she advises him to take his hounds with him when he goes since the Hairy Man is afraid of dogs. You raised your hand on his neck, touching gently the mark on his neck. Im not going to that tour babe, He laughed, tears dropping to your face when he laughed happily,A baby, Y/N, were having a baby Tommo! You let out a teary laugh stroking his neck, you need to do your job honey. Louis lips touched your belly, kissing your exposed skin with his cold lips, Bullshit. We will post outfits preferences imagines and one shots here. Liam:A small kiss awake you, making you stir to the dark room. Harry grabs your waist and spins you closer to his chest. You stroked his scalp, smiling to the perfect sight. This type of kiss would usually lead to a lot more, even if the initial stage is sweet and innocent. Note: [request] Niall: You glance down at your phone on the side when it lets out a message tone, smiling when you see Niall's name come up on the screen. The door was open, revealing your still sleeping boyfriend. But then again, as science fiction wri ter Theodore Sturgeon once said, when asked why so much science fiction was garbage, 90% of everything is crap. I have hot water here, so lets make mommy think she peed herself, thats gonna be quite exciting. Imagine what your kids grow up to be. Maybe next time, he smiled, but you could see how the tears burned his throat. His arms were your weakness, they gave you comfort and treated you well. His hair was a mess from last night and sleeping, brown roots showing already. It was Friday, and like every other Friday, you and Harry had the Americas funniest house video marathon together. He was your best friend after all. :) 7.6.13 & 8.4.14=Best Nights of my Life. Whats going on baby girl, tell me, he whispered to your hair after pulling you to his lap. He looks from you to Liam, then back to you. zayn, liam, one. Its not that easy Lou, you yelled back, pulling your hair with frustration. Liam looked down at your belly, where his hand searched the spot you were rubbing. Ye ready? He took a deep breath, kissing your belly before starting to sing with his soft voice Come all ye maidens young and fair, and you that are blooming in your prime, always beware and keep your garden fair,let no man steal away your thyme, for thyme it is a precious thing. - He asks.-No But I wish I could - You said while he picks your guitar.-I can teach you babe. You could hear his sniffles over the phone, making you break down and hold your stomach, hoping that the tiny thing you called baby, would keep you together. So much., Niall:You paced back and forth in the terminal, waiting boys flight to land so you could see Niall again. His throaty giggles made your heart flutter when his big hand lay on your pregnant belly, making sure you were near him. one direction imagines he kisses your belly. Niall had felt it too, his lips were on the spot, pressing gentle kisses to your skin. When Louis finally arrives home, he excitedly runs in and gives you a huge hug and kiss. You smiled when you saw his amazed eyes what admired what he saw. I miss you too kitten, he sighed lowly, making your heart break slowly. I love you too my girl, he cooed, drawing a heart to your bare skin, kissing the middle of it, making the baby kick again. It had been only few weeks, but he was calling you every chance he got, making sure hed hear your voice every time it was possible. He leans too, obviously dreading this as much as you. Courtney. It didnt bother you earlier! Louis yelled, zipping the zipper angrily, making your hormones go wild. His yell had cleared your mind in a heartbeat. Youre so moody all the time, he yelled, looking at you with his brown eyes what were full of irritation. one direction imagines one direction one direction scenarios one direction preferences one direction prefrences niall Niall Horan niall horan imagines A TEXT POST Roadtrip With Niall Rinsing the last of the floral scented suds from your hair you shut off the stream of water coming from the showerhead. You feel your cheeks explode into flames as the claps transform into awe's. Holding your breath, you wait for him to go on, "We used to have a laugh all the time, and now she never wants to go out and she's all serious all the time,". I cant, you smiled sadly, kissing his Adams apple gently, when your alarm clock started to beep loudly. He ran his hands through his black hair, when you stood in front of him frozen. Did you just kick mommy? you asked, a bit hesitating, until you felt it again. - You smile - That sounds amazing! Harry, laugh, you said, after thinking few minutes. Shit, you muttered to yourself, leaving the car, walking to Louis doorstep, knocking lightly. One direction baby and love imagines - He kisses you infront of the boys - Wattpad Read He kisses you infront of the boys from the story One direction baby and love imagines by SarahPhillips0 (Sarah Phillips) with 967 reads. If you want to give your partner this kiss, you may need to clean up a bit. . Nothing, he yelled, cursing again, making you roll your eyes. His brown eyes locked on yours when he reached one last kiss on your waiting lips. Louis stared at you for a moment before straddling you gently to the bed, happy tears on his eyes. His soft, plump lips brushed your calves, fingers brushing the tender skin while he draw soft circles everywhere. One Direction ( He feels the baby kick for the first time ) 68.9K 500 by 0hitsmyharold Zayn: You sighed, tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable on your bed. Fine, you yelled back, crossing your arms on your chest, tears rolling down your cheeks. You are the only source of happiness in my life and I love you for that. Hey, hey, Cmere. His lips brushed your bare skin with a kiss, face hovering close as he smiled, then repeated the process-- lips gentle and slow. "Let's show them." A-are you going to break up with me? Harry whimpered when he pulled you to a bathroom next to the kitchen, Please dont, Ill do anything, just please give me one more change. You could feel the babys hiccup once again, making you smile. It was your time, to admire him, without making him uncomfortable. What? he asked green eyes confused, when his hand flew to his curls. "Y/N! Even if no one else would ever love me, when my girls do, Im still the happiest man alive, he sniffled, kissing your lips before stroking your belly gently. He sealed a kiss over your parted lips, pulling your body on top of his.